Who are we?
We are Klaas and Nelly Boer (Boer = in English: Farmer).
We love God and would like to contribute to His harvest.
As it says in the Bible, there is a shortage of people who can, want and will harvest.
Matthew 9:37 and 38: The harvest is great, but there are few workers. Then ask the owner of the harvest if He will send workers to bring in the harvest.
We feel called to be a part of this.
A farmer who sows, prays, tills the soil and harvests. That is why we as Farmers want to be involved and can and want to mean something in all aspects.
A Ministry of Preaching and Teaching.
We provide inspired, Biblically grounded, edifying desciples, by equipping leaders and empowering women.
Please pray for us, our volunteers and the organization in the countries we visit. If you want to help, please get in contact with us.
We made a series of short studies as preparation for our trip(s). They are published on our YouTube channel GodsFarmers.
Board of our foundation:
Klaas Boer, chairman
Léon Dozy, secretary
Heleen Hamminga, treasurer
Meet our Recommendation Committee
This committee consists of prominent Christians from The Netherlands who support God’s Farmers with their efforts and involvement.
- Gert-Jan Segers, ambassador International Justice Mission, Supervisory Board Compassion, former chairman of the 2nd parliamentary group ChristenUnie
- Johan Proost, pastor Destiny Church Groningen
- Kees van Velzen, Family 7 television, Christians for Israel
- Jan de Haan, leader Bibleschool Rotsvast
- Johan Selier, pastor evangelical church Oud-Beijerland, regional leader pentacostal and evangelic churches in the Netherlands